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Being alone on your jetboard with nothing around you aside from water, finally finding that perfect wave and getting on top of it will give you the highest natural high.
MotoSurfing is a full-body sport that requires training and discipline. Here are a few strength-building exercises to increase endurance on the water!
Getting up on a jetboard and keeping your balance has more to do with your upper body than you might think. Few things are more annoying for a motosurfer than spotting a good wake and missing it because they couldn’t get up quickly enough. This is where upper-body training makes all the difference. One of the best exercises for surfers is doing chin-ups!
If you don’t already routinely do chin-ups, you should start by using a chin-up bar. Grab the bar with your hands right above your shoulders and let yourself hang. From this starting position, proceed to lift yourself until your chin gets above the bar. Ideally, you should do 2 sets of 6 reps each, with a minute’s break between them. If you can’t do that yet, start with as many and you can and work your way up to it over time.
A correct squat pattern is also crucial for quickly getting up on that jetboard and staying there. Doing front squats will not only improve your motosurfing technique but will also do wonders for your posture and endurance.
Each workout should include 3 sets of 12 squats each. You can start adding squats to your surf workout by using only your own bodyweight. Then, once you’ve mastered a squat pattern, you can add extra weight to further develop your lower back, ankles, knees, and hip area.
Mobility is a big part of endurance because the more natural your body movements are, the less energy you use while doing them. It’s also an element that tends to quickly fade away as we advance in age or transition to a less dynamic lifestyle.
Working on your mobility for just 10 minutes before every workout will keep you agile for many years to come. Make sure to gently stretch and rotate your ankles, hips, spine, neck, and shoulders, but be careful not to overdo it, as you’re not fully warmed up yet.
As we mentioned before, having a strong core is essential to your endurance and motosurfing technique. Although from the outside it looks like you’re not doing much, planking is extremely hard to do for more than a few seconds and fires up every muscle in your body.
Doing it right is simply a matter of positioning yourself belly-down as you would when doing pushups, but instead of pushing yourself up and down, you simply keep your body perfectly straight while supporting yourself with your forearms. Keep it up for as long as you can and as often as you can, and pretty soon you’ll feel the results!
Any physical activity gets more fun as you build up your fitness levels, and surfing is no different. Having a constant fitness routine that focuses on all these exercises will dramatically improve your motosurfing endurance, and pretty soon you’ll be able to ride the waves for hours on end!
Source: https://www.redbull.com/us-en/exercises-to-increase-surf-endurance